XS2ME 卡帶盒精油唇膏 ; project_Package Design (2018:11) ; graphic design_Album Rivers
The style of songs records the transitions of epochs, and females exhibit different elegance with lipsticks. Music is chosen as the design axis in order to package the lipsticks under the notion of cassette boxes. We narrate the creative advocacy of the brand of "XS2ME" through the topical programming so that the frank vitality of generations could be expressed. Also, the sentimental topic "moments worthy of being recorded" could be created.
In order to get rid of the stereotypes that females are adorable and tender, we lowered the abundance of colors on purpose and didn't insist on showing the symbols of twelve color codes on the package. Instead, we simply chose black and white which differentiated the types of lipsticks. The low profile of black interprets the personality of matte lipsticks, while the lightness of white presents the texture of bright lipsticks. As a result, the entirely correspondent color programming and layout arrangement would create the unique style of how the brand pursues the real ego.