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client_Honey Farm 蜜堂 ; project_interior(2011:11) ; interior design_ALBUM RIVERS ; designer_Yen
以蒸汽男孩和近代微生物學之父巴斯德的實驗室做為設計的故事為背景,希望將新的環境形象建立在位近代帶來進步的工業機械,和不斷嘗試以為研發的實驗室。最終櫃位以傳統蜂箱進行仿古處 理最為展櫃,並以生鐵和駐鐵為骨架最為主要素,以幾無烤漆的方式支持無過度人造加工的自然食材理念
The background is set in the story of Steam Boy and the laboratory of Pasteur, Father of microbiology. It is hoped that the new environmental image would be established on top of the industrial machinery which brings progression in modern times, and the laboratory in which many research and development are continuously attempted. The traditional bee box processed with antique methods is chosen as the final showcase. With the skeleton of pig iron and cast iron as the main ingredients, its form barely with baked paints is to support the concept of natural food without excessive artificial processing.

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