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VZONE Hair Design

client_米容 VZONE Hair Design ; project_interior(2019:07) ; interior design_ALBUM RIVERS ; designer_Yen floral design__木植花藝植栽設計 ; photographic_Fine studio

「米容是夏日午後的檸檬塔,冬夜走回家時,街道旁迎接平安夜的那扇櫥窗。」 商業空間的調性設定與成本架構是一個案子裡最重要的兩件事。 在期盼米容為一個人人走過都敢靠近的環境時,暖白色的基底已經躍然眼前,於精簡的預算裡,透過加工過程的簡化,將人力成本降至最低,水平式的線條,則成了它骨幹的基底。如此一來餘下的足夠預算,我們將客戶所能接觸到的地方,放上淺木色的天然厚木片,佐以白樺木的枝幹,期許環境線條的極簡,因為樹木的加入,讓簡單是一份輕鬆,而非距離。 而最終,那一棵帶著參與在這環境中那些人們的笑臉,為這個環境的構築初衷,下了最美好的註腳:我們,是靠著雙手傳遞溫度的人,希望將這份心意,分享給每個,來到這個地方的人們。

The integrated planning from brand naming, identification to space, we create a relaxed temperature but delicate brand for VZONE.VZONE is a homonym for "beauty" in Taiwanese. Looking for more beauty from the symbol of the V shape when opening the scissors, the gesture of Yeah, and the dimples when smiling. The logo with handwriting envelope expresses blessing from heart, and the warm and vibrant lemon yellow is the standard color of the brand. It also sets a character image of the girl next door to the propaganda, which can solve the complexity of message communication and deepens the brand impression.

In terms of interior design, the warm color of white is based on brand’s tone. Through simplified the processing, reducing the waste and pollution to balance the natural and simple.The additional birch branches simplicity to be easy instead of distance. In 2nd floor, the sketch creations of smiley faces participated in are the best footnote for VZONE: we rely on both hands to pass the temperature, and we hope to create an environment for hairdressing that has unrestricted constraints.

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